Enter the Clean North Green Gardening Photo Contest!

photos of composter, bee balm, and mulch

Clean North has launched a photo contest to spotlight green gardening in Sault Ste. Marie and Algoma District.

The goal of this contest is to spread awareness of environmentally friendly gardening techniques, thus helping to make the Sault and Algoma cleaner, greener, and healthier for all. It will run through midnight on Labour Day (Monday, September 7, 2020).

First prize is a Clean North rain barrel, second prize is a block of coir (peat moss alternative), and third prize is a cedar tree seedling.

Examples of green gardening practices to consider submitting photos of:

  • Native plant species/native pollinators
  • Bird, toad, butterfly, bee, and/or bat houses
  • Removal of invasive garden plants
  • Water conservation (drought-tolerant plants, xeriscaping, rain barrels, soaker hoses, mulch)
  • Organic fertilizers (e.g., compost tea)
  • Natural pest control (companion planting, good garden hygiene, natural pest barriers)
  • Composting
  • Lawn alternatives
  • Creative/innovative recycling, reuse, upcycling in garden features and decor
  • Local food, food sovereignty, food security

The contest is open to anyone who lives in Algoma District — but prizes must be picked up in person in Sault Ste. Marie. If you are unable to travel to the Sault to pick up you will need to make other arrangements.

Photos will be judged based on how well they fit the contest theme of green gardening as well as image quality.

You can submit photos to info@cleannorth.com or as a comment on a related Clean North Facebook post. You can also post a photo on Instagram and tag Clean North (@cleannorthsault).

Questions? Email info@cleannorth.org.